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Here are some pictures of some of the folks
and some of the exhibits from recent Expos :

The first series was from the Jan '98 MacWorld Expo. I joined several other members of the "Beehive" in a really nice booth. Unfortunately, when the doors were open, there wasn't enough time to take more pics...

michael at MW
michael on the morning of the last day.
( the foot massager is just visible in front of the chair...)

It's not the gawdiest booth in the show, but certainly the most hopeful.

I had one of just about everything to play with.
(They wouldn't let me use the Fire Alarm)
already pooped
On the evening of the last setup day, we were all pooped.

Here, Sven and Nancy Grenander, mainstays of the Beehive, demonstrate...

Weni was the busy bee in the hive, and Magnus was having a ball !
weni and magnus
avid users
Although many Xtension users showed up, I only managed to capture these...

There were only a few visitors that asked whether XTension was available for Windows....they were last seen hanging around this window...
don't ask

Here are some pics from the Feb '98 Orlando Home Automation Show.
Unfortunately, these pictures do show how light the attendance was.

The X-10 booth had some very interesting new products under the "X-10 PRO" label.

the X10 booth

dave rye
Here is Dave Rye, VP of Engineering of X-10 USA. Dave is often in China, so this is a rare shot. Dave also writes articles and technotes for the X-10 website.

Here's also a rare shot of Jeff Anderson, editor of the "Home Automator" Newsletter. Jeff was so busy taking new subscriptions that he didn't get to go to Skycraft !#@

This is an especially rare shot of Eldon Ziegler, author of HomAtion 2007, probably the best home automation software for the PC.

IBM was at the show with a very nice booth. For the first time, I saw their new Home Director X-10 modules. Although they are still not putting a lot of money into HA, it is obvious that they are continuing development.

On the other side of the IBM booth, there was a very interesting setup with what looked to be a third party system in IBM attire...along with several other third party devices ?

The most interesting booth at the show was the "HAL 2007" booth. Although no one was fooled by the very careful demos, it is obvious that the PC has come a long way in voice recognition.
What HAL 2007 is trying to do, IS what we'll all be doing in a few years...
Kudos to those who are footing the bill, and to those who managed to get the great local TV exposure.

Copyright 2007, Sand Hill Engineering Inc. All rights reserved.

Mac Made

Last modified: July 1, 2007
Michael Ferguson, webmaster@shed.com