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is both a
Company and the
Technology that it developed
(Here's their website)

More than 20 years ago, a company developed an idea that allowed the control of household appliances and lights using simple plug-in 'boxes', and available household power lines. They obtained a patent, which has recently expired

Over the years, this company passed through 'hands', such as BSR, and today is an international company with a very large factory with a great capacity and a lot of experience making their products as inexpensively as possible.

The reason why you've not heard of (or forgotten) the name, is that the company has always preferred to produce devices under other 'Licensed' brand names.

You have seen these in every store, and under every brand name from Radio Shack to Leviton, and from simple lamp dimmers to industrial strength controls for automation and security.

X-10 Dials In general, if you find products
in the stores with one or both of these dials,
it is almost certain that it is compatible with
other X-10 products and therefore
XTension !
Although there are some limitations, and a very few that are not 'generally' useful, almost everything that is X-10 is almost certainly useable in your home system with XTension and your Macintosh !

If you want to know more about the details of the X-10 system, or perhaps more about the history of the idea, see our Links Page

If you're just interested in a down-to-earth talk about the abilities and limitations of the X-10 technology, see the article about it.

Copyright 2007, Sand Hill Engineering All rights reserved.

Mac Made

Last modified: June 18, 2007
Michael Ferguson, webmaster@shed.com