Platform -- XTension runs on just about any Macintosh.
MacOS 7.1 thru OS X ( Classic and Native )
Any Mac with 4MB of RAM ( Classic of course )
Requires less than 2MB of RAM for Classic, and still 'lite' for an OSX app :-)
One or more serial ports (USB adaptors ok), USB native and Ethernet/web devices supported
Supported hardware interfaces ( X-10 and RF )
BARIONET Ethernet/web native, BEST wired controller, digital I/O, analog, 1-wire, relays and serial port which can be used
for any of the serial powerline/wireless controllers that XTension supports. (OSX only)
PowerLincUSB native powerline controllers (Both 1132U and 1132CU but NO download ability) (OSX only)
Also the 1132B which is a serial based device.
All common versions of the CM11/Activehome (Classic and OSX)
LynX-PLC The most rugged powerline controller. (Classic and OSX)
Support for setting transmitter output level and receiver sensitivity level.
LynX-10 -- BEST simple X-10 interface. (Classic and OSX)
Simplest and most reliable interface. However, it does not support the X-10 'extended message' format.
LynX-Port -- Same classic reliability as the LynX-10, but also offers 8 opto-isolated discrete inputs, 8 'real relay' outputs, as well as 4 analog input channels. (Classic and OSX)
XTension supports Hard-wired and Analog elements of the LynX-Port as common database units.
MR26 Wireless all-housecode RF transceiver (Classic and OSX)
CM19 USB native Wireless all-housecode RF transmitter and receiver (OSX only)
W800RF32 Wireless all-housecode RF transceiver from WGL Designs (Classic and OSX)
RFXcom USB and Ethernet Wireless all-housecode RF transceiver from RFXcom
Receives Oregon Scientific devices and more ! (OSX only)
Database - XTension maintains a database of unit variables.
All scripts and verbs have access to these variables directly, or as the
result of a complex function.
Unit Properties
Name -- Special characters allowed to support different languages
Address -- X-10 address or None (for Flags and Variables)
Description -- Up to 254 characters. Can be used for storage of user data
X-10 dimmable -- 0 to 100
Variables -- +/- 32767
ON and OFF IconsCan be set dynamically
Unit Scripts -- separate ON/OFF scripts
Simulated Preset Dim - Preferred level may be set manually or by script
Smart Dimmers - Supports dimmers with internal preset dim
Reversed Logic - Supports sensors which report OFF as 'true'
Receive only - Disables any attempt to send commands to this unit from within XTension.
RF enabled - Allows commands for this unit to be received from RF sources.
Single-click to toggle in Graphic views - Support for touch-screens
Blocked - Outgoing commands will be blocked, Unit scripts will not be performed, and in-coming commands will be ignored.
A Group of units may be commanded by Name.
Mix-match types within a Group
A Group has its own Scripts as well as can each of its members
A Group can be represented by its icons in a View
Groups are block-able
Pseudo units - Units which do not have an address are considered to be flags or variables. They may be commanded and tested with the same verbs as real units.
Discrete -- true/false
Variable -- +/- 32 bits
Plug-ins - User may select any Units, Groups, Lists, Views, Global Scripts or Events and export them as 'plug-ins' which can
be exchanged with other users and imported.
Snapshot - A file is created which includes the current status and processing variables of each of the database units. It can be saved and imported manually, or via scripts.
Export Tab-delimited Database - A tab-delimited text file
is created which includes all database units and their properties.
Windows and Human Interface
Master List
One window containing all Units and Groups
Shows current status and processing properties
May be sorted by name or address
Sub-system Lists
Useful for organizing units into 'sub-systems'
Up to 50 may be created
Graphic Views
Backgrounds can be LIVE video sources.
Any graphic image can be used as a background image
Unit Icons represent current status
Icons can be clicked to change status or edit
Users may different create icons for on and off status
Icons may be imported from any other app/file
Icons can be included and positioned dynamically by scripts
Backgrounds can be changed dynamically by scripts
Log Window & Log File
All events are saved to the Log File which is saved at optional periods.
Log Window may be optioned to include all events, just database events, or only exceptional events.
User scripts may write color-coded messages.
Date/Time format selectable, in localized styles.
Scheduled Events Window
Displays all currently scheduled events with properties
Everything that can be done manually, can be done via scripts.
Useful verb options
by/for/in/with -- turn on "lamp" in 5 for 5 with no script
Individual Unit on/off scripts
Executed any time a unit is stimulated, either by received events, scheduled events, manually, or by other scripts.
Can be blocked conditionally.
Global scripts
Can be executed by scheduled events, manually, or by other scripts.
Attachment script
Users can create new verb handlers
Intercept any verb and modify its behavior
Compiled or Text
Scripts are stored in the database as compiled
Scripts can be stored as text and optionally executed
Scripts can be edited by external editors
Ad hoc text strings can be compiled and executed
Blocking -- Execution of unit scripts can be blocked and unblocked manually, by schedule, or by other scripts.
Special scripts
Optionally created, and executed automatically when special events occur.
Startup -- Automatically on any startup of XTension
Shutdown -- When XTension is Quit
Idle -- Executed every minute
Sunrise -- Every day at sunrise
Sunset -- Every day at sunset
Errors -- Anytime special errors occur
Powerfail -- Anytime the LynX (only) reports a powerfail.
DoAll.x -- All house code scripts -- Whenever any of the ALL-HouseCode type X-10 commands are received. (By HouseCode)
AUX Remote Serves commands from X-10 entertainment remotes.
Processing variables
future value -- value to which a unit will be set after the Unit Script is executed
command -- integer value of the command that caused the Unit Script to be executed
wireless -- whether the command was wireless or X-10
startup time -- Time in seconds since last startup of XTension
last error -- Error type of last error
port status -- Whether the serial port is enabled
port type -- Type of X-10 controller attached
sunrise or sunset (of any date)
daylight -- Whether it is after sunrise and before sunset
and many more !!
External interfaces
All verbs can be executed by external applications and applets.
Many verbs for creating lists and extracting unit properties.
Control display of Views and position of unit icons. -- Particularly useful to serve external applications that support weather stations, other input devices, email and internet access.
Script context may be optionally saved after execution-- Preserves internal script variables
X-10 protocol support
Send and receive all commands including Extended commands and Preset Dim commands
(to the limits of the X-10 controller)
Addresses without command -- Select multiple units and then send one command to all.
Receiver logic detects same from remote controls.
Send any data to X-10 controller
Home and Remote Networking
Two or more Macs running copies of XTension may be linked such that events that occur on one are sent to the other.
Host and one monitor
Host and many remote locations (may require multiple XTension licenses)